Each of these plans has an accompanying article showing the actual construction of the project.
The plans were drawn in Sketchup,
For most plans, the SketchUp model is included, so you can check out different
views of the projects and parts.
Free plans:
Plans for woodworking machines for sale:

The pantorouter is a template based tenon cutting machine that
has all kinds of uses for cutting intricate wood joints
Pantorouter plans

A larger version of my pantorouter designed to accommodate
plunge routers. Larger range of motion, but takes up more space.
Pantorouter XL plans

A homemade bandsaw does not have to be a compromise.
No custom metal parts required.
16" Bandsaw plans

A homemade 20" bandsaw, with 13" (34 cm) resaw capacity,
and large enoughto take sawmill blades.
20" Bandsaw plans

A homemade 26" bandsaw, with 15" (38 cm) resaw capacity,
and large enoughto take sawmill blades.
26" Bandsaw plans

Supports weight of the router, allowing depth of cut control
by the template, also unobstructed view of the work.
3-D router pantograph

A router lift that tilts up to 45°.
This really expands the options for creating custom
molding, even with basic router bit sets.
Tiltable router lift

A router copy carver. Copies complex 3D shapes.
Four axis (router can tilt), and stores
more compact than commercial machines.
Router copy carver

A slot mortising machine using a router. Easy to set
up, and cuts cleaner and faster than most other
Slot mortising machine

Cut both sides of a tenon wih the flip of a lever, no flipping
the work piece for faster, more accurate tenons.
Quick-set tenon jig

A table saw dovetail jig.
Allows for a greater variety,
and greater size of joint than is possible with
a router jig.
Table saw dovetail jig

Smaller than a regular dust collector, quieter and lower power than a shop-vac.
Small dust collector

A 12" jointer built using parts salvaged from an a cheap 12" thickness
planer. Easy for two people to carry.
Wooden jointer

Table saw based on a circular saw, with a more
robust way to mount the saw and easy depth adjustment mechanism
Homemade table saw

A 6" x 48" belt sander, can be used as regular belt sander
or flipped on its side to use as an edge belt sander
6" x 48" belt sander

Interchangeable platens allow sanding of convex and concave curves,
Does work of spindle sanders with less dust and faster.
1" x 42" strip sander

This Lathe can be used to turn spindles or bowls
up to 26 cm. Weighing just 20 pounds without motor,
it's easy to store on a shelf.
Wooden lathe plans

A non-tilting wooden router lift. This is my older design before
I came up with the tilting version.
Wooden router lift

An grinder for pulping apples to get best yield when pressing for juice.
Apple grinder
Software for woodworkers

Enlarge your woodworking plans to 1:1. A program for
making full-scale multi-page printouts from drawings and
CAD models
BigPrint program

My gear template generator makes printable paper templates for
cutting gears out of plywood with a bandsaw. Many also use it
with CNC routers.
Gear template generator program
Toys and furniture plans for sale
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