John Baker's pantograph inlays
John Baker writes:
Hello Matthias,
Just a line to say thank you for allowing me to resurrect my hobby!
After retiring I began doing shell inlay on guitars, banjos, etc. and
really enjoyed it. Gradually my sight got worse and I was no longer
able to accurately route out the pockets with my Dremel and router base
so I gave it up.
I accidentally ran across one of your videos which led me to your web
site and there I discovered the pantograph. I downloaded your excellent
plans (at a great price) and built myself a pantograph!
It works great! Having a pattern three times the actual size is fantastic.
Here's a few pictures of an inlay project I did for my
brother-in-law. He is an avid fisherman as well as a poker player so I
made him a "card protector" (used to place on cards so dealer won't
accidentally rake your cards). They are mostly a token used for 'good
My setup on the pantograph for side one. I'm routing to a depth of
.055" and using a 1/32" router bit.
Me routing the pocket for side one. I pencil a center point on my blank
wood, set the router bit on it and then move the center of the printout
under the follower and tape it down. I'm using an inexpensive Kindle
Fire plastic screen protector over my pattern. The follower glides real
nice over it.
The inlay placed in the routed pocked. So much easier than free handing
it!! The quality of my work is better than it has ever been!
The setup for side two. I have cut out the blank and clamped it down
(clamp was inspired by Ralph, another of your pantograph builders).
The finished card protector.
Thanks again Matthias for your brilliant work and affordable plans!
See also:
More about the 3D router pantograph on my
woodworking website