Joining box cornersQuite often, I have to join the corners of a plywood box. The trick is how to join the pieces in a way that is sturdy and looks good. My finger/box jointing jig is not that suitable for plywood, especially not for wide pieces. What I do in cases like that is to glue the pieces together with a rabbet joint, and then insert triangle shaped pieces into the corners.
Because only the right edge of the sawblade will actually be cutting wood, the strip gets pushed up against the fence as its cut, ensuring a consistent width of cut. Once you are happy with the fit, cut the strips to width. A note of caution here: If your throat insert has a relatively large hole, as many metal throat inserts do, your piece may get pulled down next to the blade. This won't just ruin your piece, its also dangerous. I always use a home made zero clerance insert for this step. Blade guards could also be dangerous for this job, because they get in the way. The next step is to cut out the triangles on a band saw. Cut these to be bigger than you need them. Before applying glue, make sure each triangle fits nicely in the slot you want to glue it in. Then spread glue on the inside of the slot, using a thin strip of wood (about 1mm thick is ideal). Apply glue to both sides of the triangle, and insert. Its important to do this quickly. The glue makes the wood swell, so if you take too long, it may no longer fit. Ideally, you slip the piece in in one motion. As soon as you stop, it may bind. Glue in tight spots binds very rapidly. I find that sometimes I can't push the piece in all the way with my hands. Its best to have a hammer close at hand!. Just be sure to hit the triangle on the sides and not the corners.
After letting the glue dry, the pieces need to be trimmed flush.
I prefer to wait for the glue on the surface to harden, so its less
messy. If you try to wipe off the glue while its still wet, you
may just end up spreading it further on your work piece, and you won't
really see it until you apply varnish.
Trimming the pieces The trimming is the really time consuming part.
I use a Japanese "dozuki" saw - actually, a clone of one, to be
precise. These saws have very narrow blades with very fine
and sharp teeth. They also have a tendency to break teeth in
hardwood if used roughly. So far, mine hasn't lost any
teeth. I got mine from
Lee Valley Tools (mail order).
I put a spacer underneath the blade to keep the saw from
scratching the surface. I used a strip of wood about 0.5 mm
thick. Boxboard would also work, but perhaps a little thick.
A photograph print (if you have one you would throw out) would be about
ideal. You may chose to sand the pieces flat instead, but this might not work all that well. If you are using veneered plywood, you may go through the veneer in some places before the piece is flush. This because the end-grain of a piece of hardwood is much tougher than the flat veneer. Using a cabiner scraper might work better.
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